HealthManagement, Volume 4 / Issue 3 / 2009

The IT@ Networking Awards 2009 (IT@2009) aims to select outstanding European healthcare IT solution in hospitals and healthcare facilities and bring them to the pan-European stage. The event will take place in Brussels from 29 - 30 October 2009.


The attendees will consist of CEOs, CIOs, hospital and healthcare IT Managers, physicians with an interest in IT, members of the European Parliament, civil servants from the EU and individual European countries whose mandates cover healthcare IT, as well as members of the specialist healthcare and IT press.


The aim of IT@ 2009 is to give recognition to pioneers from the European healthcare IT field, who provide efficient, cost-effective solutions. The lessons learned can help both to avoid mistakes and transform healthcare IT challenges into opportunities and success stories.


What makes this event different from the others is that IT@2009 is built on the principles of best-of-breed and peerto- peer networking. The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers believes that peers will make the wisest decisions in respect to their own needs. An on-the-spot, one-person one-vote electronic system will be used to enable attending CEOs, CIOs and healthcare IT managers to decide which project is the most innovative and best solution for them.


The program will consist on the first day of ‘Mindbytes’, or short presentations of all successful submissions for IT@ 2009. Each presenter will have five minutes to convince the public why their solution is special and is differentiated from the others. The voting will follow immediately after the synopsis of presentations and the finalists will be announced by the Chair of the Organising Committee.


The second day will have the finalists take part in a workbench, where they will present their project in detail. The final voting will take place immediately after the presentations, followed by the awards ceremony and a reception in the European Parliament.


The winning project will receive the IT@Networking Awards 2009 Trophy, have a detailed presentation of their solution in Europe’s leading healthcare management media and be awarded a cash prize of 5,000 Euros.


For more information on submission deadlines and requirements, please visit: