HealthManagement, IT Volume 3 / Issue 1


Zoran Glomazic, 

Adis Balota, 

Denis Recovic, 

Ruzica Milutinovic, 

Kosta Simicevic Mugosa, 

Denis Boban Rekovic,

Ruzica Milutinovic/

Montenegro Health Insurance Fund, Republic of Montenegro, I

nstitute of Public Health; MG-Soft, d.o.o; 

Ministry of Health, Montenegro   

The Integral Information System for primary healthcare is implemented at a very high technological level. It is integrated with the Health Insurance Fund, the pharmaceutical sector, with all providers of health services at primary level and completely open for connection with higher levels of healthcare and other participants of the system. The entire population of the state is included.


One of the goals of health system reform is for the insured person be at the centre of the system and that the money follows insured person.


This implies standardisation and support of the process "end-to-end" (end2end) from notarisation of the medical insurance card by choice of a medical practitioner as gatekeeper of the system, to sending to the laboratory, prescribing medicines and their dispensing at the pharmacy.


Encryption methodology for drugs is introduced by ATC, for services ICPC2 for ICD10 diagnosis, etc.


The main advantage of this project solution is the multiple entering of the same information in different parts of the system. This means that once data is entered into the system, it becomes available to all segments of the system with respect to the rules of access and authority. Registration data, for example of the insured in the Fund insured persons database, becomes available to the whole system without the need for writing and possibility of making mistakes.


The implemented solution allows forming of: HER and Financial electronic card of the patient (costs-contributions).


Our experience has shown that ICT can bring many advantages, but only if they are closely related with the organisational characteristics of the company. One particular advantage is the savings by the use of IS in the pharmaceutical sector, they considerably exceed the cost of investment in the system.