What are your key areas of interest and research?

My major area of interest is to build a community set of tools to improve the interoperability of Health Information System

What are the major challenges in your field?

Sustainability of such a project project


What is your top management tip?

Create an environment of constant learning and development—be sure to include yourself in this process. 


What would you single out as a career highlight?

Sixteen successful Connectathons in Europe and the adoption of gazelle in the USA, China and Japan.


If you had not chosen this career path you would have become a…?

Medical doctor


What are your personal interests outside of work?

My family and wind-surfing


Your favorite quote?

If there is no solution to the problem then don't waste time worrying about it. If there is a solution to the problem then don't waste time worrying about it.” Dalai Lama




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