• Do Doctors Prefer Structured Radiology Reports?

    Radiology was born in December 1895. Not much later, doctors were reading and reporting x-ray images across the world. More than a century later, imaging technology has made quantum leaps forward, but reporting has changed very little. It has been proven time and again that radiologists as well as referring clinicians favour a shift from free text...

  • Report Templates: Clinical Aspects & IT Requirements

    Radiology reports are the form of communication between radiologists and the referring clinical doctor. The referring clinical doctor sends a “radiology request card or letter”, which may be on paper or in electronic format. The IT system used for generating a radiology request is referred to as Ordercomms. Let us look at the clinical structure of...

  • ECR President Prof. Lorenzo Bonomo on the Growth of the ECR and the Role of Management

    This year’s elected President of the European Congress of Radiology (ECR), Prof. Lorenzo Bonomo, is Chairman of the Department of Radiology and Director of the Radiology Training Programme at the Catholic University Sacro Cuore in Rome. Here he talks to IMAGING Management about what’s in store for attendees at this year’s ECR, the increasing importance...

  • Departmental Management: Process Improvement

    Moving to an Organ-Based Workflow Today’s era of patient-centric medical/imaging care evolved from the modality specialists of the 1980s and ‘90s. It became obvious in subsequent years that radiology had to become more workflow-oriented, and be a more integral part of a multidisciplinary patient care team. At the same time, the arrival of...

  • Radiology Session Scheduling: An IT-Based Flexible Reporting System

    Traditionally, radiologists in the UK and other parts of the world have worked to timetables based on the radiographic list. Sessions, usually lasting a half-day, would be defined by modality. For instance, the CT or MRI scans performed during that session would be reported by the radiologist, to whom that session “belonged”. Other sessions might...

  • Imaging Referral Guidelines: Update from RCR’s iRefer Guidelines

    The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) of the UK has just released iRefer: Making the best use of clinical radiology. Despite the new name, this is the seventh edition of the radiology referral guidelines, demonstrating through more than 20 years support, the RCR’s commitment to the importance of guidelines in the delivery of radiology services...

  • Hot Topics for Medical Imaging in Algeria: Business Management for Radiologists

    Please tell us about your professional career. Prof. Yaker: I specialised in interventional radiology techniques during four years of training in Paris in the public sector, and then returned to introduce interventional radiology to Algeria. Since 1993, I moved to the private sector and founded the Centre of Medical Imaging of Algiers (CIMA),...

  • Multimodal Imaging

    Multimodality imaging is widely considered to involve the incorporation of two or more imaging modalities, usually within the setting of a single examination using, for example, dual- or triple-labelled optical or nuclear medicine "reporter" agents or by performing ultrasound or optical studies within the MR, single-photon emission computed tomography...

  • Upcoming Seminars in Medical Imaging from Across the Globe

    JANUARY 2012 12 – 14 MIR Winter Course Schladming, Austria www.mir-online.org 16 – 18 Bristol MRI 2012 Bristol, UK www.jcaseminars.com 18 – 19 IT @ Networking 2012 Brussels, Belgium www.itandnetworking.org   MARCH 2012 01 – 05 European Congress of Radiology (ECR) Annual Meeting Vienna, Austria www.myesr.org 25 – 30 Abdominal Radiology...

  • Management in Radiology: Book Now for January Winter Course!

     Taking place this year in the winter ski resort of Schladming, Austria, from January 14 – 16 2012, the annual MIR winter course programme will be interactive and informative, and build a practical skill set over a three-day period. The aim of this course is that each delegate will leave with new insights and practical solutions they can implement...

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