Prof. Gábor Forrai is the current President of the European Society of Breast Imaging (2015-2018). He is Head of the Department of Radiology at Duna Medical Center - Hospital & Clinics, and Managing Director of GÉ-RAD Kft.

Prof. Forrai previously worked as Head of Radiology Department at the Defence Forces Hospital/Teaching Hospital University Semmelweis in Budapest, Hungary. From 2005 until 2011 he was Secretary General of the College of Radiology, Advisory Board of the Minister of Health, Hungary. He has published and lectured widely. His awards include the Chevalier, National Order of Merit, France (2012), the Herman Fischgold award, French Society of Radiology (2006), from the Hungarian Society of Radiologists the Zsebők Zoltán award (2010), the Alexander Béla award (2014) and the Liszka György award from the Hungarian Society of Oncologists (2013).


1. What are your key areas of interest and research? 

Breast imaging and interventions, oncologic imaging, forensic radiology and management. 


2. What are the major challenges in your field? 

Incomprehensible tendencies against breast screening, which is one of the most evidence-based methods, based on the data of tens of millions of examinations for 40 years. It is more studied and proven than for example chest X-ray, the most frequent routine radiological examination. 

3. What is your top management tip? 

Be happy to have very competent coworkers and employees and give them not only work but let them experience success as well. 

4. What would you single out as a career highlight? 

There are several "tricks" of self-promotion for speeding up the career, which are of course important to know. But the best way to arrive at a high position and international respect is to continuously work hardly and precisely on the given field. Respect would certainly follow this personal approach. 

5. If you had not chosen this career path you would have become a…? 

Lawyer. That's why I found exciting to become a forensic expert radiologist - this is an overlap between the two professions. 


6. What are your personal interests outside of work?  

Jazz, classical music, impressionists, friends, travelling, driving cars, seaside and sun.


7. Your favourite quote?

"If you don't know where are you going, you will probably end up somewhere else" (Laurence G. Peter)



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