When diagnostic imaging is needed for an accurate identification of a medical issue, London Imaging Centre offers affordable, accessible, and assured services – now with an innovative new approach to pricing.  We keep an eye kept turned towards international developments in diagnostic imaging and healthcare as well as European practice, and are proud to offer referrers a relevant and fresh way of managing the cost of our scan slots.

Always looking to improve our services and leave patients even more satisfied, clinicians even more likely to refer, and the industry even better examined, we are now offering a way of handling pricing which we have dubbed Project Alan. We believe that this management of the cost of slots is new for the diagnostic imaging industry and will offer patients greater choice at better prices as well as more efficiently utilising facility and staff capacity.  Project Alan was launched mid-March. The pricing of the times during the week that are less in demand will now be viewed in a responsive manner. Scan slots will be assigned a price depending on the region of the body scanned, the day and time of the appointment, and how busy we expect to be at any given time.  Prices will vary throughout the week. At present, our most affordable scan slots are £190 MRIs*. These will now be made available outside the weekend as currently offered, and our price range will be broadened. Project Alan will extend across all standard and non-standard MRIs as well as all modalities: x-rays, DXA bone density scans, and ultrasounds. The London Imaging Centre also offers visa X-rays.

The Director of the London Imaging Centre, Les Clark, says, “We can [now] provide our renowned accessible service to even more patients and referrers.” For 6 years, London Imaging Centre has provided imaging services from the heart of private healthcare in London, the Harley Street district. We are the only ones doing what we do from this central London location. We are open till 8-10 pm weekdays and 8-8 pm weekends for MRIs . Our prices have not increased in all the years we have been in operation; we have also innovated consistently, which we are very pleased to have maintained. The latest methods and technologies are always brought rapidly into our services, provided by a team of specialist radiologists. We appeal especially to those who do not have health insurance or do not want to wait for a scan,and we are sometimes able to provide scan reports in less than a day when needed. In order to encourage patients to come to the centre at less convenient times, such as weekends, we have routinely packaged attractive financial incentives to present to clinicians and patients. Our most affordable slots have been made available at weekends. Although this was effective, these slots were often booked well in advance, which made them inaccessible to some patients and referring clinicians. Project Alan is the remedy. As before, booking will be via our online portal, TREVOR, which allows referring clinicians and patients to see all relevant information remotely and live. Upon selection of region and time, all slots and prices will show on the TREVOR calendar with complete transparency. TREVOR is convenient and easy to use for clinicians and patients. London Imaging Centre is a CQC (Care Quality Commission) registered site, always working supported and framed by a strong clinical governance structure developed under the supervision of our Medical Director. We regularly audit infection control, patient and staff safety, risk management, awareness of and adherence to clinical and corporate policies and procedures. A 10% external audit of all services provided to the NHS and a 10% audit of MRI radiographics quality are conducted annually. Medical physics experts and radiation protection advisors are regularly consulted so process and practices can be kept updated.  Our core values are FLEXIBLE. AFFORDABLE. ACCESSIBLE. ASSURED. Always.

*The price is for a standard MRI scan with a 5% discount applied if pre-paid online on TREVOR. 

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