As ambassador of the global health care community, the International Hospital Federation (IHF) is celebrating its 90th anniversary on 13 to 15 June 2019. Several activities have been lined up to share and extend this occasion to the Federation’s global community.

A new Initiative: Young Executive Leaders (YEL)

Early this year, the IHF launched a new initiative involving young leaders to form a group similar to the CEO Circle. The Young Executive Leaders – YEL – is a team of candidates from full members of IHF who have proven outstanding merit in healthcare management. YELs are enjoying a valuable chance of interacting with talented industry leaders from around the world and working at an international level. Currently a team of 19, the YELs are working together on a topic related to challenges in health service provision for the future. A session at the IHF annual conference will present the results of the YELs’collaborative work. Outcomes will also be published and disseminated globally to the community of IHF Members and the International Health Organizations. Under favourable circumstances, the YEL initiative will continue to screen and qualify candidates year by year to provide young leaders a supportive venue to conceptualize and breed hospital and healthcare innovations from a fresh perspective.

43rd World Hospital Congress in Muscat, November

This year, the Federation will once again host the 43rd World Hospital Congress in Muscat in November, co-presented by the Ministry of Health of the Sultanate of Oman. The IHF stands firm in its advocacy for efficient management, governance, and leadership to achieve greater health benefits; thus, the dedication to provide to worldwide healthcare organizations a platform for the harvest and exchange of knowledge, strategic experiences and best practices in a global scope. Preparations for the congress are up and running; early bird registration has been announced open.

Sharing the celebration

Also in celebration of 90 years in the service of the global health care community, the Federation has released its official 90th Anniversary video reiterating its vital roles to its members.

“It’s beautiful to see that over the world, there are capable, intentioned people that can work every day to make healthcare safer, more effective, and more sustainable,” said Dr. Francisco Balestrin, Board Member of ANAHP Brazil and IHF President 2017 to 2019. 

True to its vision and mission, the Federation continues to work for excellence in healthcare. “The IHF goal is to be at the cutting edge of innovation in healthcare and most important, to be instrumental for the hospital work to provide better care for their patients,” shared Dr. Balestrin.

Past IHF Presidents and IHF members’ leaders have also shared their experiences with IHF being an organization they are part of, as a way to celebrate the Federation’s 90th anniversary.

The IHF invites everyone to listen to more testimonials made available on the IHF website. Previous congresses’ galleries are also available for viewing.

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IHF, International Hospital Federation, IHF congress 2018, Young Executive Leaders, YEL, IHF YEL, IHF 90th anniversary IHF celebrates 90th Anniversary