• Jamie Mervyn Lim

    Dr Jamie Mervyn Lim is Chief Operating Officer at Tan Tock Seng Hospital and Central Health, Singapore. He oversees the daily operations of the hospital. A strong advocate of systems thinking, he introduced a more systems-based approach in managing key resources at TTSH. He incorporated Systems Dynamics thinking, artificial intelligence and spearheaded the development of a Command, Control and Communications system to successfully manage a 1600-bed hospital. Dr Lim also chaired hospital level committees that led the transformation of clinics and wards which were both recognised locally and regionally for their best practices. He was also the chairman of the PSA Steering committee leading job redesign and engagement efforts for the staff. Dr Lim graduated from King's College London UK under a government scholarship and attended the Development Programme at Wharton Business School USA, sponsored under the Ministry of Health. He pursued his doctorate in Physiology at Nanyang Technological University Singapore. He has authored a book chapter on sports physiology and several papers published in professional journals. He was a proud recipient of Singapore General Hospital Young Investigator’s Award and the National Healthcare Group Outstanding Citizen Award for his leadership contributions.

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    Email —  ******@***ttsh.com.sg
    Chief Operating Officer Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore

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