Search Tag: COVID-19 deaths

ICU Management

2021 25 May

Expert Interview with Prof Shirish Prayag, Director, Critical Care Medicine at Prayag Hospital Shree Medical Foundation and Editorial Board Member, ICU Management and Practice. What is the current state of COVID-19 in India? The current stateĀ is really devastating. We are facing a tsunami - not just a wave of patients - but a tsunami, really....Read more

ICU Management

2020 11 Aug

Is the worst over? Have patients most at risk already been affected and died? Or has the SAR-CoV-2 virus mutated to a less severe form? Where exactly do we stand with COVID-19? U ndoubtedly, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a terrible experience - worse than expected for many worldwide. As we follow the COVID-19 situation, there is a tendency...Read more