Search Tag: Biparametric MRI

IMAGING Management

2024 16 Sep

  Active surveillance (AS) has become a widely recommended approach for managing patients with low or favourable intermediate-risk prostate cancer. This strategy aims to delay or avoid radical treatments and their associated side effects while maintaining effective cancer control. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), particularly multiparametric MRI...Read more

Health Management

2021 12 Jul

A lone and discordant voice supported by few at first, biparametric prostate magnetic resonance imaging has been gradually gaining attention and visibility as a reliable, faster, and cheaper alternative to conventional multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging and could become a new standard of care in the near future. Key Points The role...Read more

IMAGING Management

2018 12 Jun

In a single-centre cohort study of 1,020 men who underwent both biparametric targeted and standard transrectal ultrasound-guided biopsies, low-suspicion biparametric magnetic resonance imaging (bpMRI) had a high negative predictive value (97%) in ruling out significant prostate cancer on confirmatory biopsies. The findings are published online...Read more