OIC.8 - Oncologic Imaging Course 2018


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The Oncologic Imaging Course (OIC), established in 2011, is an annual oncologic imaging course jointly organised by the European Society of Oncologic Imaging, the Department of Radiology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the Department of Radiology at Ludwig Maximilians University Munich and the Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image­Guided Therapy at the Medical University of Vienna.

OIC welcomes the most qualified faculty who comprise of internationally renowned speakers from New York, Vienna, Munich, Montpelier, Amsterdam, Rome, Pisa, Torino, Graz, Amsterdam, Malta and Zagreb. These experts share their expertise with the participants who are also invited to actively contribute to the sessions with their experience and advice.

Those involved in the field of oncologic imaging are experiencing a time of increasing pressure, stress and change. The demand for efficiency and effectiveness in all oncologic imaging matters is constantly growing. OIC addresses current challenges and provides a forum for education and the exchange of ideas and concepts. The course furthermore deals with supportive methods and techniques so the delegates will leave with new ideas for their day-to-day practice. OIC involves lectures, workshops, interactive case discussions and panel discussions.

Programme available online here

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