Search Tag: Patient Safety

IT Management

2024 21 May

  In an era where digital threats loom large over the healthcare sector, safeguarding patient care has become more critical than ever. Recently, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) branch, unveiled a groundbreaking program to fortify hospitals against cyberattacks. The Universal...Read more

IT Management

2024 16 May

  A case report published in JAMIA Open highlights the insufficient characterization of interoperability in pathology data exchange, despite the emphasis on health information exchange (HIE). It evaluates the fidelity of laboratory data shared between two healthcare institutions through a commonly used HIE construct. The lack of access to relevant...Read more

IT Management

2024 11 Apr

  Connectivity issues are the bane of the modern workplace, but in a Hospital-at-Home (H@H) setting, the stakes are raised higher, as it could lead to a critical lapse in patient care. For years, the telecommunications industry has grappled with the concept of the “last mile,” the final stretch of connectivity to a home or business. This bottleneck...Read more

IT Management

2016 13 Nov

Advantech, a leading provider of medical computing systems for digital healthcare applications, is pleased to announce the cooperation between Mobitrace and Advantech with regard to the Mobitrace Solution and the Advantech medical tablets, like the MICA-071 Pocket Pad. Mobitrace, a Belgian company is an innovative healthcare IT provider focusing...Read more