Search Tag: dense breast

IMAGING Management

2021 16 Oct

The U.S. FDA recently granted PMA approval to Delphinus Medical Technologies’ SoftVue™ 3D Whole Breast Ultrasound Tomography System. This system is intended to supplement digital mammography for cancer screening women with dense breasts. About 40% of U.S. women have dense breast tissue, a risk factor for breast cancer. This risk is three-to-six times...Read more

IT Management

2021 08 Oct

Mammography provides early detection when breast cancer treatments are more successful. Unfortunately, mammography is less sensitive in women with dense than with fatty breast tissue. This is unfortunate because the breast cancer risk is three- to six times higher in dense rather than fatty breast tissue and two times higher than that of the average...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 05 Jun

Approximately 50% of women in the United States between the ages of 40 to 74 years old have dense breasts (an estimated 27.6 million women). The recent widespread inclusion of breast density information into screening mammography reports in 36 US states and suggestion to consider supplemental imaging has resulted in creating awareness and leading ...Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 19 Mar

New research shows that for women at low, intermediate, and high breast cancer ris k , there were significantly higher short-interval follow-up and biopsy recommendation rates with screening mammography plus s ame-day ultrasonography compared with mammography alone. However, no significant increase in cancer detection or decrease in interval...Read more

Executive Health Management

2018 07 Nov

What has been the impact? A new study reports on the impact of breast density legislation in the USA on awareness of breast density and conversations between doctors and women about screening. Almost 10 years after the first breast density notification law was passed in Connecticut in 2009, 36 states in the USA now have such legislation....Read more

IMAGING Management

2017 12 Feb

A new study published in the journal Cancer indicates that breast cancer patients with dense breast tissue have almost a two-fold increased risk of developing disease in the contralateral breast. The study is among the first to find the association between breast density (BD) and contralateral breast cancer (CBC), according to researchers from The...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 17 Nov

I first became interested in early detection of breast cancer as a child when my aunt died of it at age 60 after initial diagnosis at age 40. Eight years later, my mother was diagnosed with it when I was in high school. She had nipple retraction. Her mammogram was normal and she had dense breasts. The surgeon had her admitted to the hospital, telling...Read more

Health Management

2016 01 Jul

Impact of Dense Breast Tissue On Reliability Of Mammograms The internet and social media have transformed our‏ lives. They have literally opened up a global connection ‏to those with similar interests and passions. In ‏my focused world of patient advocacy for breast health, ‏I meet innumerable women, fervent in their yearly breast ‏cancer...Read more

IMAGING Management

2016 28 Apr

Breast tomosynthesis exams, combined with conventional mammography, can help reduce recall rates, and increase invasive cancer detection in women with both dense and non-dense breasts, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. These key benefits could lower the costs associated with needless follow-up...Read more