Search Tag: Medical Emergency Teams

ICU Management

2018 01 Jun

This article reviews the RRT system concept and provides an update on the current state of such systems, their challenges, their performance, the evidence supporting their usefulness and their evolution. Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) are the key components of Rapid Response Systems. RRT-based rescue systems were developed in response to...Read more

ICU Management

2016 30 Sep

1 in 4 patients on general wards in hospital who trigger a Rapid Response Team intervention require admission to an intensive care unit, according to the analysis of 1188 patients from 51 centres in 5 countries, published in Resuscitation . Jonathan Bannard-Smith and colleagues, on behalf of the Medical Emergency Teams: Hospital Outcomes in a Day...Read more

ICU Management

2016 14 Jun

When Medical Emergency Teams (METs) or Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) are called to respond to a rapidly deteriorating patient by definition they need to perform under pressure. Effective teamwork is vital. Australian researchers describe 6 habits that can optimise teamwork in such situations, in an article published in Australian Critical Care ....Read more

ICU Management

2014 29 Sep

Flexibility in intensive care provision was the focus of a session this morning at the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine’s Congress in Barcelona, which asked if flexibility will  of ICU services. Medical emergency teams may make a difference, said Dr. Akos Csomos from Hungary, but there are difficulties in researching their effectiveness,...Read more