Timpel S.A.

Endorse Company
The company Timpel develops software and hardware for cardiopulmonary monitoring, clinical decisions support tools and bedside diagnosis. The company was founded in São Paulo (Brazil) and is one of the first companies to develop an Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) device. Our main goal is the development of clinical/diagnostic tools to help physicians to take smart decisions at bedside.Since the foundation, Timpel partnered with Faculdade de Medicina and Escola Politécnica of Universidade de São Paulo in projects that resulted in more than fifty international scientific publications in medical and engineering fields. Timpel is also present in many research facilities around the world with prototypes designed for academic research. The privileged position of the company is indisputable when considering its patent portfolio in cardiopulmonary application of EIT.


Rua Simao Alvares, 356,
05417020 Sao Paulo - SP
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