NovaMedical Systems Corp

Endorse Company

Welcome to Nova Medical Systems Corporation. We are glad to offer these pages to assist everyone who seeks information about the products we offer for the Health Care Marketplace. Nova Medical Systems Corporation (NMSC) recently acquired Medical Systems International Corporation's (MSIC) line of products, manufacturing rights and Trade Marks. MSIC is a company which has been supplying physicians and medical research scientists with fine electronic instruments since 1960. NMSC goal is to continue supporting all MSIC product line and to broaden its own line of products so us to provide you with the finest medical instruments in the world. From its inception, Nova Medical Systems Corp. sought out to provide its customers with high quality products and service. We strive to continue and enhance MSIC & NMSC product lines so that we keep in pace with our mission of bringing state-of-the-art, yet easy to use, Medical Technology to practicing physicians, clinics and hospitals all over the world. We are proud to offer a one-stop shopping center for high value medical electronic instrumentation.


4101 SW 47th Ave Suite 105,
Fort Lauderdale
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