goMed2Med BV

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Company Profile Online b2b Matchmaking The unique Online b2b Matchmaking platform for Your Company based on Mutual Demands! For Manufacturers, Distributors, Licensing Companies, Investors and Science Institutes of Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals and Basic Ingredients. goMed2Med matches their mutual demands, allowing them to expand their product ranges or markets in a particular region or even worldwide. goMed2Med is committed to provide an independent, unique b2b matchmaking platform with a low priced membership, meaning that any interested party can afford to become a member. It was determined early on to stay true to the primary goal of bringing together business partners based on mutual demands; no actual trading of goods occurs on the platform. If a member chooses to contact a potential business partner then this happens outside of the platform through e-mail, phone or other channels, thereby guaranteeing that communications are private and between members only.


Papendorpseweg 100,
3528BJ Utrecht
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