Global Protection Corp

Endorse Company
Global Protection is the industry's fastest growing condom distributor and manufacturer, featured in Inc. magazine, on The Inner City 100 List for 2002, 2003 and 2004 as one of America's fastest growing inner city companies. As a recognized leader in condom marketing and distribution, Global Protection's mission is to make condoms as socially acceptable as toothpaste and safer sex as second nature as wearing a seat belt. To realize that mission, Global Protection distributes a wide variety of brand names and product lines. From condoms and lubricant to dental dams and educational supplies, Global Protection is the largest Master Distributor of sexual health products and guarantees the lowest prices. Additionally, customers have access to proprietary outreach supplies not available anywhere else, including condom pops, condom keychains, condom beads, seasonal items, pamphlets, and more.


12 Channel St,
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