Euromex microscopen bv

Endorse Company
Company Profile About us Euromex Microscopen was founded in 1966 More than 900.000 microscopes have been delivered over the past 45 years Around the world, Euromex operates in more than 70 countries through distributors, re-sellers and agents, distributing Euromex and Novex microscopes We carry all products on stock, ready to deliver. 98% of all orders are processed within 2 working days Euromex ensures to keep spareparts for all microscopes and instruments for a period of 20 years In our workshop microscopes are assembled according to customer specifications Euromex is ISO 9001:2008 certified


Papenkamp 20,
6836 BD Arnhem, Netherlands, P.O. Box 4161, 6803 ED Arnhem
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