Digi-Key Corp

Endorse Company
It started in 1972 with an idea, a new concept in distribution. Today, Digi-Key Corporation is one of the fastest-growing electronic component distributors in the World. The stimulus for this growth is Digi-Key's customer-centered business philosophy. Simply stated, we provide the customer with the absolute best service possible.In only six years, Digi-Key has moved from 16th largest to 5th largest among the more than 300 electronic component distributors in North America. "We believe Digi-Key provides the best service in the industry," says Digi-Key president Mark Larson. "With a nearly 22 percent compound annual rate of sales growth over the past 20 years—none as a result of acquisition—there is perhaps no greater testimony to the quality Digi-Key provides its customers. Service is what differentiates one distributor from another. Service is what differentiates Digi-Key from other electronic component distributors. Superior service and breadth and quality of product offered are key factors in driving Digi-Key's growth internationally."


701 Brooks Ave S,
Thief River Falls
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