Confederation of Danish Industry

Endorse Company
Confederation of Danish Industry Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) is a private organization funded, owned and managed entirely by the 10.000 member companies covering all sectors of Danish businesses. DI is a democratic organisation governed by its members. Members and their requirements have first priority, and consequently committees, networks and professional and political focus areas change to reflect developments in society. DI has more than 100 member associations, as well as multi-trade communities. These cover e.g. the food industry; IT, telecommunication, electronics and commu-nication; the building material industry; the energy industry; the service industry; the automotive industry; the Danish Management Board; the wood and furniture in-dustry and the machinery and metal industry. DI has eight trade associations: Danish Food and Drink Federation · Danish Energy Industries Federation · Danish Service Industries Federation · Danish ICT and Electronics Federation · Danish Building Materials Federation · Danish Transport Federation · Federation of Danish Knowledge Advisors · Danish Commercial Industries Federation Denmark is an open economy integrated in the European Union and with a large for-eign trade and investment portfolio. Denmark is consistently rated among the best countries in the world for doing business. Thus, Danish businesses are competitive and operate internationally both from their home base in Denmark and from all over the world. DI’s member companies are united in their international view and ambition and their positive and proactive approach to free trade, investment and competition. DI’s members today employ more people outside of Denmark than within Denmark.


H.C. Andersens Boulevard 18,
1787 Copenhagen V
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