Virus filtration laboratory automatic system Mobius® FlexReady virus Merck Millipore

Virus filtration laboratory automatic system Mobius® FlexReady virus Merck Millipore
Mobius® FlexReady virus

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Viresolve Pro Modus devices offers the next generation parvovirus safety solution by delivering robust parvovirus clearance at pilot and medium volume processing. The device comes in 2 sizes that is Viresolve Pro Modus 1.3 device (VF-2) and Viresolve Pro Modus 1.1 device with an optional Viresolve Prefilter (VF-1). Typical processing capacity is 500 - 1,000 L/m2 and can operate batches of 1 8L (VF-1), 20 200L (VF-2) within a time of 2 - 4 hours. The downstream of virus device with sterilizing filters minimizes risk.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:12:"Application:";s:3:"val";s:20:"for virus filtration";}}
Frankfurter Straße 250,
64293 Darmstadt
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