Reusable manual resuscitator 24400, 22401, 22402 Vitalograph

Reusable manual resuscitator 24400, 22401, 22402 Vitalograph
24400, 22401, 22402

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New range of collapsible Vitalograph ResusBag comes in three sizes: adult, child and infant. All have 360 degree patient valve for left or right handed use. The autoclaveable ResusBag is made of high quality silicone and polysulphone. It can be autoclaved (up to 134°C) except the O2 Reservoir and O2 feed line which are disposable. The disposable ResusBag is low-cost vinyl BVM for single use, with good feel and recoil. All come standard with mask and O2 Reservoir & line. All ResusBags conform to ANSI EN ISO 10651-4:2002. Adult, child and infant sizes Disposable or autoclaveable models Mask O2 Reservoir & line included All conform to ANSI EN ISO 10651-4:2002
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Rellinger Str. 64a,
20257 Hamburg
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