Peripheral stent / nitinol / self-expanding Protege™ GPS™ Covidien

Peripheral stent / nitinol / self-expanding Protege™ GPS™ Covidien
Protege™ GPS™

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The On-Target Stent Placement System highlights the Protege™ GPS™ Self-Expanding Peripheral Stent which guarantees superb results. The self-expanding Nitinol stent system has a nickel made titanium alloy (Nitinol) stent and comes on a 6F over-the-wire delivery system. The stent is detached from a Nitinol tube into an open lattice design and has tantalum radiopaque markers at the proximal and distal ends of the stent. The stent achieves its predetermined diameter and exerts a constant, outward force to establish patency in the peripheral arteries upon deployment.
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150 Glover Ave,
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