Filiopoulos, Georgios
Chief of Staff - Copelouzos Group
PROFILEInstitute of Health Management Companion and former Chief Executive of Great Ormond Street Hospital. London, UK -
PROFILENational President - ANMDO - Associazione Nazionale dei Medici delle Direzioni Ospedaliere
PROFILELead Pharmacist Clinical Service and ICU Pharmacist - University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Technische Universität Dresden
PROFILERegistrar - Department of Intensive Care The Royal Melbourne Hospital Melbourne, Australia
PROFILEProfessor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information, Director of the Digital Ethics Lab - University of Oxford, UK
PROFILEAnesthesiology and Intensive Care - Academician EN Meshalkin State Budget Research Institute of Circulation Pathology
PROFILEAssociate Professor of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care; Director of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Resident Programme; Anaesthesia and Intensive Care ITD Unit Director - Anaesthesia and Intensive Care ITD Unit Director
PROFILEDepartment of Anesthesia and Intensive Care AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza - University of Turin
PROFILEConsultant Nurse for Critical Care Services - Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS FT Preston