Mon, 3 Apr 2006
Dear Reader, Welcome to the first issue of Healthcare IT Management, the official voice of the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (EAHITM), a central, credible communications platform to its members and relevant stakeholders. Healthcare systems in Europe are complex, both in terms of organisation and technologies. Nevertheless, the eEurope 2005 Action Plan sets out goals and targets...
The Association EAHITM is a non-profit organisation outlined as the pan- European umbrella association of all relevant national healthcare IT associations in Europe. Believing in the fundamental importance of unifying healthcare IT professionals at European and global levels, EAHITM is committed to increasing the professional authority and responsibility of healthcare IT managers and representing their i...
Membership As the only pan-European association dedicated to healthcare IT management, EAHITM offers its members unique opportunities to: + participate in advocacy groups that impact EU healthcare IT legislation; + share your knowledge with and learn from the experiences of your peers; + learn industry best practices and standards, and + attend the EAHITM annual General Assembly, Congress and oth...
Cerner and Misys Earn Recognition and Rewards from Klas In the 2006 KLAS CPOE Digest, Cerner was announced as an industry leader in providing healthcare information technology solutions. In its fourth annual CPOE Digest report issued on 10 February 2006, KLAS reported that Cerner’s CPOE solution, based on its Cerner Millenniumarchitecture, offers the highest value proposition for providers. The r...
Author Helicia Herman Title: Editor European Affairs Organisation: Euromedical Communications Email: [email protected] This is the first in a four part series which covers the structure and operations of the EU institutions. In this part, we will introduce the European Commission, how it functions and what the relevant Directorates-General are for healthcare IT. In the second of th...
Authors Helicia Herman Title: Editor European Affairs Organisation: Euromedical Communications Email: [email protected] Karmin Ruocco Title: Managing Editor Organisation: Healthcare IT Management Email: [email protected] In this article, we give an overview of the European Commission Directorates-General active in policies relevant to healthcare IT and present examples...
ECRI Europe Weltech Centre Ridgeway Welwyn Garden City Herts AL7 2AA United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1707 871511 Fax: +44 (0)1707 393138 [email protected] ECRI (formerly the Emergency Care Research Institute) is a nonprofit health services research agency and a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization (WHO). Such organisations are appointed to contribute to the...
Author Dr. Jerome H. Carter, MD, FACP Title: Principal Organisation: Neck, Time and Money Informatics, Inc., USA Email: [email protected] Web: The Key to Successful EHR Selection Selecting an Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a daunting task. Although there are many EHR products currently on the market, there are no well-defined standards for judging thei...
What to Consider Before Using a Specific EHR System In most healthcare settings, two types of users of the EHRs can be identified - primary and secondary. Each group has specific needs that should be reflected in EHR features and functions. Primary users are those who provide direct patient care. This group uses the EHR for record-keeping and they are interested in features that reflect information found...
Authors Dr. Alexander Horsch Title: Senior Lecturer Organisation: Munich University of Technology, Germany Email: [email protected] Website: Dr. Thomas M. Lehmann Organisation: Department of Medical Informatics, Aachen University of Technology, Germany Email: [email protected] Website:
Authors Artsiom Anishchanka Title: Programmer Engineer Organisation: United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences, Belarus Email: [email protected] Dmitry Mozheyko Title: Post-graduate student Organisation: United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences, Belarus Email: [email protected] For a copy of the references cont...
Authors A.V. Bogdanov Organisation: Institute for High Performance Computing and Information Systems, Russia Email: [email protected] Website: A.B. Degtyarev Organisation: Institute for High Performance Computing and Information Systems, Russia Email: [email protected] Website: Yu.I. Nechaev Organisation: Institute for High Performance Computing and Informatio...
Authors Dr. Michael A . Shifrin Title: Head of Medical Informatics Lab Institution N.N Burdenko Neurosurgerical Institutu, Russia Email: [email protected] Website: Principal Goals of EPR Implementation There are different ways to develop best practices on the basis of specific knowledge and experience. One of them may be considered statistical. Its essence is to study similar c...
Authors Dr. Simonetta Scalvini Title: Head of Telemedicine dept. Organisation: IRCCS Salvatore Maugeri Foundation,Italy Email: [email protected] Web: Dr. A. Giordano Title: Head of the Cardiology dept. Organisation: IRCCS Salvatove Maugeri Foundation, Italy Email: [email protected] Web: Dr. F.Glisenti Title: President Organisation: Health Telematic N...
Healthcare System In the UK, the whole population is covered by the National Health System (NHS), which is financed through general taxation and run by the Department of Health. However, responsibility for the purchasing of health care services across the UK rests at the constituent country level: Primary Care Trusts in England, Health Boards in Scotland, local health groups in Wales and Primary Care Par...
Interviewee: David Ingram Title: Director Organisation: Centre for Health Informatics and Multiprofessional Education (CHIME), University College London, England Email: [email protected] Web: Please Tell Us a Little Bit About Chime. What are Your Current Top 3 Research Priorities? CHIME, situated at the Whittington Hospital Campus of the Medical School of UCL...
Author Benedict Stanberry Title: Managing Director Organisation: Avienda Limited, UK Email: [email protected] Website: For a copy of the references contained in this article, please contact [email protected]. Introduction The UK’s Connecting for Health (CfH) programme for information technology in the National Health Service (NHS) aims to put in place, thro...
Intreview Dr. Jonathan Elion Title: Chief Medical Officer Organisation: Agfa HealthcCare, Belgium Web: In this issue’s Industry Interview, we asked Dr. Jonathan Elion, the new CMO of AGFA Healthcare, about the challenges and opportunities of cardiology image management and what the future of imaging management looks like. What do You Feel are the Biggest Challenges When I...