ICU Management & Practice, Volume 24 - Issue 5, 2024
Personalisation of respiratory support may improve outcomes in patients with acute respiratory failure. Transpulmonary pressure estimate by oesophageal pressure is an essential and useful minimally invasive tool to guide the setup and monitoring of mechanical ventilation by measuring respiratory pathophysiology in critically ill patients, particularly with acute lung injury. However, oesophageal balloon catheter is underused in clinical practice. This article aims to briefly review the most practical aspects of using transpulmonary pressure at a patient’s bedside.
Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) is an undesirable complication of mechanical ventilation. From the ARMA trial (ARDS Network 2000), the bases of protective lung ventilation were established, and clinicians aim to keep the ventilatory strategy within safe parameters: low tidal volume (4-6 mL/Kg PBW), plateau pressure lower than 30 cm H2O, airway driving pressure lower than 15 cm H2O, mechanical power possibly lower than 16 J/min and optimal PEEP (collapse versus overdistension). However, airway pressure (Paw), defined as the pressure that distends the complete respiratory system (lung and chest wall), is frequently used to calculate respiratory mechanics, but it is not the real force acting on the lung parenchyma, which eventually causes injury. Hence, the net lung distending pressure is the called transpulmonary pressure (PL) which represents the pressure difference between the inner part of the lung (Paw) and the lung surface (pleural pressure or Ppl) (Gattinoni et al. 2019). The equation is PL = Paw – Ppl. Nevertheless, Ppl is difficult to measure in the clinical setting, and oesophageal pressure (Poes) is used as a surrogate of Ppl in this scenario; PL can then be measured by performing oesophageal manometry (only clinically available method) during end-inspiratory or end-expiratory occlusions. Direct measurement of surface Ppl requires a surgical introduction of wafers in the pleural cavity, so the most widely available and used method to provide an indirect determination of Ppl is an air-filled latex balloon sealed over a catheter and placed in the medium oesophagus.
Physiology and Rationale
The respiratory changes in the Poes are representative of changes in the Ppl applied to the lung surface. There is specific data, particularly from Yoshida et al. (2018a) and Tilmont et al. (2021), showing that Poes is well correlated with Ppl and confirming the accuracy of their absolute values measured at middle lung regions in ventilated patients. However, it is important to highlight that any particular measure of Ppl does not represent a homogeneous pressure throughout the pleural space in the supine position. Instead, Ppl is regional and changes stepwise from ventral to dorsal and cranial to caudal, so the measurements vary according to the gravitational gradient, lung weight, regional lung inhomogeneities, chest wall elastance, height of the chest wall, distension of the abdomen pushing the diaphragm upwards and the weight of mediastinal organs lying above the oesophageal balloon. Otherwise, in the prone position, there is a reduction of the compressive force of the mediastinum on the dependent lung regions, and the Poes correlates better with the Ppl throughout different points of the lungs due to a more homogeneous distribution of regional aeration and compliance between the non-dependent and dependent lung compared with supine position, despite the development of a small increase in the PL (Boesing et al. 2022). It is an important consideration because assuming Ppl measurements are the same at different points on the pleural surface may lead to errors in calculations, clinical interpretations of data, and therapy applications.
Regarding the pressure curves, PL becomes positive during inspiration when the lungs inflate, either through an increase in the Paw through the application of positive pressure with mechanical ventilation or from the generation of negative Ppl (transmitted in the Poes curve) with spontaneous breathing (or a combination of both during assisted and spontaneous modes of ventilation) (Shimatani et al. 2023). Thereby, if the catheter with the oesophageal balloon is in the correct position, end-expiratory PL derived from Poes reflects PL in dependent to middle lung, where atelectasis usually predominates, and end-inspiratory PL estimated from elastance ratio may indicate the highest level of lung stress in non-dependent lung, where it is vulnerable to VILI or patient-self-inflicted lung injury (P-SILI) and especially in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Beyond the attempts to limit PL as a method and the objective of protective mechanical ventilation, there is growing evidence that patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) often have strong spontaneous respiratory effort due to hypoxaemia, hypercapnia and hyperinflammatory conditions, which generates intense negative swings in Ppl (measured with the Poes) resultant PL. In the presence of underlying lung injury, this negative pressure also increases the transvascular pressure (Ptv), exacerbates pulmonary oedema, and causes further injury (Shimatani et al. 2023). Finally, these phenomena lead to the development of P-SILI and hence the great value of monitoring respiratory effort continuously.
Therefore, oesophageal pressure is useful and recommended to personalise mechanical ventilation in ARDS patients as a clinical tool to guide PEEP titration, monitor lung and protective ventilation, detect and treat patient asynchrony, and titrate the support and patient's muscle effort in the setting of weaning of mechanical ventilation (Brochard 2014). The EPVent-1 trial showed that a ventilator strategy using Poes to estimate the PL significantly improves oxygenation and compliance compared with the current standard of care, but without reducing mortality (Talmor et al. 2008). Based on the reanalysis of the EPVent-2 trial, independent of multiorgan dysfunction, PEEP titrated to end-expiratory PL closer to 0 cm H2O was associated with greater survival than more positive or negative values (Beitler et al. 2019; Sarge et al. 2021). Besides, in terms of survival, there is evidence supporting the measure of ΔPL as an equivalent predictor of outcome similar to airway driving pressure and suggests maintaining positive end-expiratory PL in obese patients with improvement of mortality (Chen et al. 2022).
Placement and Technical Considerations
The correct placement and air-filling of the oesophageal balloon catheter is essential to achieve a good correlation with the pressure measured directly in the middle pleural. Thus, the device must be allocated in the distal third of the oesophagus as recommended in most of the physiological studies. If not accounted for, a balloon catheter that is placed too high or too low in the oesophagus will result in falsely low pressures without the presence of cardiac oscillations. In the clinical setting, our group performed three methods to confirm the correct insertion of a balloon catheter in the lower oesophagus third: 1) with the evidence of cardiac pulse artifacts on the oesophageal pressure curve; 2) with the radio-opaques marker of the balloon catheter radiologically visible by chest x-ray (Figure 1); and 3) with an occlusion test performed by gentle external chest compression, particularly in sedated patients. When the airway is occluded at end-expiration pause, changes in Ppl are transmitted to the airway through the lungs. During the occlusion test, the changes of Poes (ΔPoes) equal the changes of the Paw (ΔPaw), thus their ratio should be 1 (ΔPoes/ ΔPaw = 1), assuming that Ppl = Poes. Hence, a range of up to 20% is normally considered acceptable, corresponding to ΔPoes/ΔPaw from 0.8 to 1.2 (Ball et al. 2024).
Otherwise, inflating the balloon catheter with the correct amount of air is important to the proper interpretations of the Poes. In fact, balloon under-filling would result in overestimation of the Ppl, thus underestimation of the PL, while balloon over-filling would lead to underestimation of the Ppl, thus overestimation of the PL, especially end-expiratory PL in both situations. There is still discussion about the appropriate methods suggested to calculate the optimal volume of balloon air-filling, but it is often difficult to translate into clinical practice. Thereby, several authors suggest titrating volume inflation individually, and most oesophageal probe manufacturers suggest inflating the balloon with a fixed amount of air, in a range from 0.5 to 4.0 mL, according to the size and elastic properties of the device. However, balloon filling involves complete balloon deflation, equilibration at atmospheric pressure via brief disconnection, injection of maximum air volume to homogenously stretch its walls and then deflation to optimum filling volume (Vbest). In theory, Vbest is the minimum volume at which tidal Poes swings are maximum (Figure 2) (Jonkman et al. 2023).
In practice, two main methods exist to calculate PL from Poes: direct method and elastance–derived method. In the direct method, PL is calculated as the absolute difference between Paw and Poes (PL = Paw – Poes) at end-expiration or end-inspiration. On the other hand, the elastance-derived method uses the tidal change in Poes (measured with circuit occlusions) to calculate the ratio between lung elastance (El) and respiratory system elastance (Ers) (end-inspiratory PL = Pplat x El/Ers). Likewise, the direct method is often used to guide positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) titration by end-expiratory PL in dependent lung regions, while it is believed that the elastance-derived method is the most appropriate way to estimateend-inspiratory PL reflecting lung distending pressure of non-dependent regions.
Clinical Applications
These can be divided into two groups: patients with spontaneous respiratory effort and those without.
a. Passive Patient Without Respiratory Effort
Differentiating lung compliance from chest wall compliance
Lung compliance (CL) is defined as (Shimatani et al. 2023):
(CL) = TV/ΔPL = TV/([Pplat – Poes end-insp] – [total PEEP – Poes end-exp])
Chest wall compliance (Ccw) is defined as (Shimatani et al. 2023):
Ccw = TV/ΔPcw = TV/ΔPoes = TV/(Poes end-insp – Poes end-exp)
PEEP Adjustment
A negative transpulmonary pressure (PL) at end-expiration leads to the collapse of lung tissue, resulting in atelectasis, increased lung heterogeneity, intrapulmonary shunting, and reduced end-expiratory volumes. To maintain alveolar patency, a positive PL at end-expiration (PEEPtot – Poes end-exp) is required. Increasing PEEP is essential to achieve this. This strategy can be particularly beneficial in patients with ARDS and elevated Ppl due to other causes (obesity, chest wall abnormalities, pleural effusion, abdominal hypertension, ascites). However, the potential for overdistension of non-dependent regions due to spatial differences in Ppl must be considered (Jonkman et al. 2023).
The optimal benefit may be achieved by maintaining a PL at end-expiration between 0±2 cmH2O, compared to higher or lower values (Figure 3) (Sarge et al. 2021; Chen et al. 2022). The risk of hyperinflation of the baby lung is the most significant injury mechanism (Güldner et al. 2016). These strategies optimise the balance between lung collapse and overdistension, even in cases of unilateral lung injury (Chiumello et al. 2008).
Limiting Lung Damage
The stress applied to the lung during mechanical ventilation has traditionally been limited by Pplat and ΔP, but this does not accurately reflect the actual damage inflicted on the lung parenchyma (Chiumello et al. 2008). A more appropriate method to limit the damage caused by tidal volume and thus avoid VILI would be through the titration of PL at end-inspiration and ΔPL (Baedorf-Kassis et al. 2016; Grasso et al. 2012). This is particularly important in patients with elevated Ppl and ARDS.
Regional pleural variability is an important consideration due to differing levels of hydrostatic pressure from the weight of the mediastinum. An anteroposterior gradient exists in the supine position, such that in healthy patients, there is a variability of ±1.5 cmH2O in Pes, which may be clinically insignificant in most cases. However, in patients with ARDS, this value can increase to 10 cmH2O on average, with Ppl, dorsal ≈ Poes + 5 cmH2O and Ppl, ventral ≈ Poes − 5 cmH2O. Therefore, if mechanical ventilation parameters, including PEEP, are titrated using Poes, the mid-zone may be targeted, with the risk of collapse in the dorsal region and overdistension in the ventral region (Ball et al. 2024).
Transpulmonary pressure (PL) at end-inspiration (Figure 4) can be calculated by various methods, as described above: directly or using the elastance-derived method, each providing different insights.
- The direct method is calculated by the absolute difference between airway and oesophageal pressures at end-inspiration or expiration (Grasso et al. 2012). PL at end-inspiration is calculated based on values obtained from the area where the balloon is situated, a region that typically collapses (dependent zones), with a high risk of atelectrauma and a lower risk of hyperdistension.
PL end-expiratory = PEEP − (Poes − PEEP) using an expiratory pause to account for PEEPi
PL end-inspiratory = Pplat − (Poes − Pplat) using an inspiratory pause
- The elastance-derived method, proposed by Gattinoni et al. (2004), focuses on regions more prone to overdistension, helping to avoid it (Yoshida et al. 2018a; Grieco et al. 2017a). In passive conditions, the range would be 0.5-0.9 in critically ill patients with ARDS (Grasso et al. 2012).
PL end-inspiratory = Pplat * EL/Ers.
cdqL/Ers = [(Pplat − PEEP) − (Poes − Pplat − Poes − PEEP)] / (Pplat − PEEP).
Elastance-derived PL end-inspiration determines lung stress and is mathematically coupled to ΔPL, serving as a surrogate for lung strain (Chiumello et al. 2016; Grieco et al. 2017b). Monitoring PL at end-inspiration can be precisely determined using the elastance-derived method or by applying a correction factor (+5 cmH2O). This is crucial when assessing the risk of VILI, although applying a fixed value is simplistic and inaccurate in all scenarios (Ball et al. 2024).
It has been proposed that the direct method can be used to adjust PEEP and recruit atelectatic alveolar units in dependent zones, while the elastance-derived method can detect maximum stress at the set inspiratory pressure (Gattinoni et al. 2004). In healthy volunteers, direct measurement has proposed targets of ΔPL<15-20 cmH2O, <10-12 cmH2O in ARDS, and PL end-insp <20 cmH2O. It has been suggested that this data can be used to facilitate targeted tidal volume reduction, reducing these values to safe limits (Mauri et al. 2016; Baedorf-Kassis and Talmor 2021; Pelosi et al. 2021).
Obese Patients
Patients with morbid obesity represent a unique subset, as they may be associated with increased Ppl due to the excessive load from the weight of the chest wall, often leading to reduced lung volumes (De Jong et al. 2020). These patients may have airway and plateau pressures considered unsafe, even when PL is maintained within protective limits. Therefore, monitoring of these patients should be conducted using oesophageal pressure. PL-guided ventilation in these patients, aiming for a positive PL at end-expiration, resulted in higher PEEP, improved end-expiratory volumes, lung elastance, and oxygenation, while avoiding pulmonary overdistension (Pirrone et al. 2016; Fumagalli et al. 2017; De Santis et al. 2021; Liou et al. 2022; Rowley et al. 2021). Additionally, a reduction in mortality was observed in patients with BMI >30 kg/m2 (Chen et al. 2022).
b. Patients With Respiratory Effort
Monitoring Respiratory Effort
Monitoring dynamic effort using the swing of Poes (ΔPoes) is straightforward and accessible. Although this parameter underestimates Pmus, which encompasses the effort required to mobilise both the thoracic cage and pulmonary parenchyma, it effectively measures the pressure generated by all inspiratory muscles. A physiological effort during assisted ventilation is typically reflected by a ΔPoes of 2–12 cmH2O and a ΔPmus of 3–15 cmH2O (Figure 5) (Goligher et al. 2020a; Goligher et al. 2020b). While the exact limits, particularly the upper thresholds, are not fully established, very low values may indicate excessive ventilatory assistance and, consequently, a risk of muscle atrophy. On the other hand, high values indicate excessive respiratory effort in both assisted mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing leading to VILI or P-SILI during weaning from mechanical ventilation (Levine et al. 2008; Goligher et al. 2015). Both pressures may be altered in the presence of expiratory muscle activity, as this can affect transpulmonary pressure (Doorduin et al. 2018; Yoshida et al. 2018b).
In cases of dynamic hyperinflation, an inspiratory effort is required to overcome PEEPi before any volume displacement occurs. Quantification of PEEPi requires measurement of the drop in Pes before inspiratory flow begins (Doorduin et al. 2018).
The feasibility of weaning can be assessed by monitoring respiratory effort during a weaning trial, as this allows for the evaluation of excessive inspiratory and expiratory effort. This can be achieved by measuring Poes (Doorduin et al. 2018).
Estimating Pulmonary Stress
Dynamic pulmonary stress can be estimated through changes in dynamic inspiratory transpulmonary pressure. During an inspiratory pause at the plateau phase, dynamic PL provides the best representation of stress in non-dependent lung regions (Yoshida et al. 2018b). The upper limits of dynamic PL are not fully established, but a threshold of <15–20 cmH2O has been suggested (Goligher et al. 2020b).
Evaluating Patient-Ventilator Interaction
Detecting patient-ventilator asynchronies is complex. Auto-triggered breaths, trigger delays, ineffective efforts around the cycling-off phase, reverse triggering, and early or delayed cycling-off are challenging to identify without monitoring patient effort. Additionally, triggering resulting from expiratory muscle relaxation is also difficult to detect without such monitoring (Jonkman et al. 2022).
Monitoring using oesophageal pressure is a valuable tool, supported by strong evidence that enables personalised ventilation with greater precision in assessing protective ventilation. This approach is particularly beneficial for patients such as those with obesity or other conditions that increase pleural pressure. Additionally, it allows for the precise quantification of respiratory effort, offering significant advantages in clinical management. Finally, to prevent atelectasis due to collapse, it has been proposed to adjust PEEP such that PL end-exp is slightly positive, and this is assumed to ensure that the lung (if recruitable) is maintained open, particularly in obese patients; to prevent injury from inspiratory stretch (VILI or P-SILI), attempts are also made to limit PL end-insp andΔPL to reduce lung stress in controlled or assisted mechanical ventilation; and to prevent lung injury from excessive respiratory effort, it is suggested and recommended to guide the weaning from mechanical ventilation in assisted mechanical ventilation or spontaneous breathing using ΔPoes.
Conflict of Interest
PL: transpulmonary pressure; PL end-insp: PL at end inspiration; PL end-exp: Poes at end inspiration; ΔPL: transpulmonary driving pressure; TV: tidal volume; Paw: airway pressure; Pplat: plateau pressure; Poes: oesophageal pressure; Poes end-insp: Poes at end inspiration; Poesend-exp: Poes at end expiration; ΔPcw: chest wall driving pressure; ΔPoes: oesofageal driving pressure; El: lung elastance; Ers: respiratory system elastance; Pplat: plateau pressure
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