ICU Management & Practice, Volume 7 - Issue 1, 2007

AO Medical Products AB, has signed an agreement with the manufacturing company Gerätebau Felix Schulte in Germany, known as Planilux. The cooperation is regarding sales and distribution of

Carl’s Table, AO Medical’s ergodynamic PACS reading station, from Jan 1st, 2007. Planilux is a manufacturer of analogue film viewing equipment.


”Planilux is a natural partner for us since they also have the experience of working closely with the users and are knowledgeable of the radiologists’ need of a good working environment. In total so far, more than 600 Carl’s Tables have been sold worldwide and we are calculating on reaching a substantially higher amount of users with such a strong partner as Planilux”, notifies Margareta Ohlson, MD AO Medical. Onex Healthcare/KodakHealth Group