ICU Management & Practice, Volume 7 - Issue 1, 2007

As well as a scientific congress and technical exhibit, the 2006 edition of the ‘Journées Françaises de Radiologie’ (JFR) meeting, welcomed radiologists, physicians, technologists, industrial and all other healthcare professionals. As with each year, the JFR assembled numerous French and French-speaking radiologists, actors and industry representatives from all horizons. Strengthened by participation levels in excess of 16,000, over 600 posters and over 90 scientific and educational sessions, the JFR allowed attendees to refresh their knowledge of the latest developments in the field of medical imaging and to assess their impact on practical, organisational and economic concerns.

New Additions to the Congress

New additions to the scientific and educational programme for 2006 included the following workshops:

Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE);


Practical oncology;

Interventional radiology;

Virtual colonoscopy; and,

Accredited training in radioprotection.


By organising an accredited training session on radioprotection of patients, the SFR wished to raise awareness for its members, of the consequences of the application of the Euratom 97/43 Directive. Through its organisation, in association with CERF, of a series of classes for advanced imaging, it demonstrated on a practical level, that this Directive will be absorbed into our profession during the next five to ten years.


Also, in its role as a medical and informatics management congress, it demonstrated the most innovative propositions, with regards to medical healthcare networks for radiology. As an interface between imaging and informatics it held demonstrations of the applications of integrated informatics solutions on essential themes such as aiding diagnosis and treatment decisions, security of transactions, networks, training and research and the electronic medical record. Its technical exhibition included more than 120 exhibitors presenting their products, equipment and new technologies.

Three New Honorary Members of the JFR

Prof. Guy Frija, Secretary General of the Société Française de Radiologie (SFR), welcomed three new Honorary Members of the Society, namely Prof. Antonio Chiesa, Brescia, Italy, Prof. Iain McCall, Oswestry, UK and Prof. Elias Zerhouni, Bethesda, USA.


In his laudatio, Prof. Francis Joffre explained the significant work performed by Prof. Chiesa throughout his distinguished career, not only within Italy but all across Europe. Furthermore he drew attention to Prof. Chiesa’s devotion to the crucial importance of good management practices in ensuring the future of radiology.


Prof. Bruno Silberman then gave an account of the professional achievements of Prof. Iain McCall. In his role as the the Vice-President of the European Society of (ESR), he continues to unify and promote the cohesiveness of the profession of radiology. He also pointed out McCall’s dedication to the importance of good management practices, demonstrated by his role as Editor-in-Chief of IMAGING Management.


Prof. McCall thanked the SFR for this honour and pointed out his own personal close ties to France, having spent time there during his early career.


Finally, welcoming its third new Honorary Member, Prof. Norbert Vasile praised Prof. Elias Zerhouni as an international leader of his profession. Having studied in Algeria, his exemplary career path brought him to leading medical institutions such as Johns Hopkins University Hospital.