ICU Management & Practice, Volume 7 - Issue 1, 2007


ECRI Europe

Weltech Centre Ridgeway, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7

2AA, United Kingdom



ECRI is a totally independent non profit research agency designated as a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization (WHO). Such organisations are appointed to contribute to WHO’s public health mission by providing specialised knowledge, expertise, and support in the health field to the WHO and its member nations. ECRI is widely recognised as one of the world’s leading independent organisations committed to advancing the quality of healthcare with over 240 employees globally.


ECRI’s focus is medical device technology, healthcare risk and quality management, and health technology assessment. It provides information services and technical assistance to more than 5,000 hospitals, healthcare organizations, ministries of health, government and planning agencies, voluntary sector organizations and accrediting agencies worldwide. Its databases (over 30), publications, information services and technical assistance services set the standard for the healthcare community.


All of ECRI’s products and services are available through the European Office, addressing the special requirements of Europe and the UK. Utilising some of the world’s largest health related databases, help, support and guidance can be given to our European clients at a local level.