ICU Management & Practice, Volume 7 - Issue 1, 2007

All abstracts for papers or posters to be presented at CIRSE 2007 must be submitted by February 12, 2007 at the very latest in order to be considered by the Scientific Programme Committee. Submitters may indicate their preference regarding the presentation type. There is a two-step submission process. Step one is to submit scientific abstracts via internet on the CIRSE website ( Acceptance of scientific  contributions will be confirmed until the end of May 2007. Step two is if the abstract is accepted, submit a complete electronic poster via EPOSTM. Awards for the best posters will be given.

Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts must be written in accordance with the "Instructions for the Preparation of Abstracts" to be found on the CIRSE website. Abstracts must be between 50 and 200 words in length. For experimental clinical studies and animal studies, a copy of the approval received by the Local Ethical Committee must be sent to the CIRSE Central Office.