ICU Management & Practice, Volume 10, Issue 3 / 2008

The National union of hospitalmanagerial staff (SNCHfor Syndicat national desCadres hospitaliers) is anorganisation which exclusively represents managerial staff workingin hospitals.


The SNCH was founded in 1947 by financial directors. Gradually, it started accepting all hospital ma - nagerial staff. It now covers administrative and technical staff, as well as doctors and nurses.


The definition of “manager” was already set out in our charter in 1994: “a manager is a person who, as a result of a certain level of train ing and his hierarchical position, manages, leads, encourages, coordinates and decides. He may have operational (financial, legal, technical, etc.), human, relational or medical or care giving res - ponsibilities which translate in particular to exercising functions involving people management.”


Its Independence

The SNCH provides the opportunity to join or become actively involved in an independent organisation set up to defend the interests of managerial staff, and which actively listens to its members.


The organisation is the only hospital trade union exclusively devo - ted to managerial staff, and the only one to be fully independent with no connection to a confederation and no political affiliation. It is financed by its members. Its national leaders are elected by all members.


The SNCH’s values and effectiveness reinforce its representative character. More hospital manager are represented by the SNCH than by any other organisation. It draws in 50% of votes in professional elections and holds seats in national committees consulted by the ministry with regard to legislation and reforms which affect hospitals and their staff.


Its Values

The values advocated by the SNCH are based on:

1. Its political independence, en - a bling it to act freely

2. The defence of its members with regard to professional ethics and statutory rights

3. The desire to promote and have recognised the value of mana - gerial staff in hospitals

4. The involvement and participation of managerial staff in decisions concerning the operation of their hospital

5. The effectiveness of the public service in hospitals

6. The promotion of public hospitals in a social and healthcare system suited to the needs of patrons


Its Action

The SNCH sets itself apart with its drive for progress and the link it maintains between hospital modernisation and statutory improvements

for hospital managerial staff.


The reform of the governance of healthcare establishments and the introduction of a new pricing structure constituted an opportunity for the SNCH to put forward a modern and innovative approach to management.


The SNCH pushed for negotiations on the statutes applicable to hospital managers, and this led to a very important development in 2005 which placed their professional category in a top position.


The SNCH is an advocate of a Public service which guarantees access to healthcare and equal treatment for all and that adapts its methods. In the opinion of the SNCH, hospital staff have the respon sibility of continuing to educa te themselves throughout their career.


The quality of individual and group internal management is the condition sine qua non for the quality of service which patients deserve.


The SNCH is at the forefront of new ideas on managing methods for the Public service and the healthcare system. It campaigns to reform management tools in order to make them more effective. SNCH’s reflections affect all areas: hospital environment, role of the State, place and role of financing providers and elected officials, methods of regulation, scope of activity, status of facilities, etc.


The SNCH sees itself as a laboratory which generates suggestions that should become part and parcel of the developments of public hospitals. Its members are aware that pu blic services are now in a context where performance requi rements and in ternational comparison are the norm.


Through its actions, the SNCH demonstrates the sense of responsi bility of hospital managerial staff and their commitment to defen ding a hu manistic and efficient idea of national solidarity in public service hospitals.



Philippe El Sair,

President of the Syndicat national des Cadres hospitaliers (SNCH), France

E-mail: [email protected]