
Volume 15, Issue 2/2013

Fri, 24 May 2013

Volume 15, Issue 2/2013

In this Issue

  • Table of contents
  • Editorial Board
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  • Generation-Friendly Management in Hospitals

    While food control authorities throughout Europe are busy chasing down horses disguised as cows, many people all over the continent are struggling for their existence, fighting to keep their jobs. The demographic change in the population in general has been leading to a completely altered situation on the job market, particularly for those working in healthcare. As a matter of course, an ageing population...


Association News

  • Hospital Management In Times Of Crisis : Constraints, Challenges And Opportunities

    Challenges and Constraints in Times of CrisisToday our hospitals face many challenges and constraints. Hospital budgets have been decreasing for many years and there are serious workforce shortages, especially in certain health professions, medical specialisations and geographic areas. Recent breakouts like H1N1/influenza, the highly infectious winter vomiting bug norovirus and hosp...

  • New Member

    We are glad to present you The Dutch association “Bestuurders Curatieve Zorg Nederland (BCZN)” (Curative Care Managers of the Netherlands) as a new member of the EAHM. The BCZN represents managers with end responsibility in healthcare institutions. BCZN aims to join forces to support and strengthen the function of directors of healthcare institutions regarding contents and quality. More information: ww...

  • 2nd Joint European Hospital Conference

    The next Joint European Hospital Conference, jointly organised by HOPE, AEMH and EAHM will take place on Friday November 22nd 2013 in Düsseldorf (Germany) as part of the 36th Deutsche Krankenhaustag at Medica 2013. The morning session will continue last year’s theme, looking into the European Directive on Patient Rights. In the afternoon, the conference will focus on access to innovation in hospitals....


National News

  • Germany: Hospitals Caught Between Public Expectation And Political Cost-Cutting

    ‘Hospitals: caught between public expectation and political cost-cutting’: this was the central topic of the 20th Leadership Training jointly organised by the German Association of Hospital Managers (VKD), member of the EAHM, and the Association of Diagnostica-Industry (VDGH) in Berlin. Germany may well top the list of European states when it comes to economic growth, but the political pressure to cut c...

  • Improving Patients Outcomes: A Shared Responsiblity

    March 2013 saw another successful congress from the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP). This year’s focus was Improving Patient Outcomes: A Shared Responsibility. Over 3,000 Hospital Pharmacists braved unseasonally cold temperatures and snow in Paris to attend the congress. And with a packed programme of scientific sessions, satellite symposia and social events, they were not disappointed...


EU News

  • Action Plan For The EU Health Workforce Adopted For a Job Rich Recovery In Europe

    On April 18 2012, the European Commission adopted a Communication "Towards a job rich recovery",, which sets out a range of measures to encourage employment and strengthen economic growth in Europe. It also identifies healthcare as one of three key sectors with a high employment potential and includes an Action Plan for the EU health workforce. The Communication focuses on the demand-side of job creation,...


Clinicians and Management

  • Leading and Communicating in the Healthcare Industry

    AuthorRebekah Page Rogers East Carolina University, Greenville NC [email protected] The healthcare industry is constantly advancing. In the past decade, the healthcare business has grown into a societal superpower that provides critical medical services for citizens and serves as an economic engine for communities. At the same time, the healthcare industry is complex and multifaceted. Due to the complexity o...

  • Leadership at the Front Line: A Clinical Partnership Model

    Author Christopher KimAssociate Professor, Internal Medicine Assistant Professor, Pediatrics and Communicable Diseases, Associate Chief of Staff, Office of Clinical Affairs Associate Medical Director, Faculty Group Practice, University of Michigan Health System [email protected] Hospital-based patient care has become more complex over time, with higher acuity of cases, and greater need for care coordi...


Effective Communication


Lab and Diagnostics Supplement

  • Incremental Implementation Strategies for Electronic Lab Order Entry Management

    By Timothy R. Huerta, Mark A. Thompson, Eric W. Ford, William F. Ford To realise productivity and efficiency gains from computers in healthcare settings, managers have to re-engineer the hospital to match workflows with the capabilities of those systems. This study explored productivity differences among US hospitals who employed differential approaches to electronic laboratory order entry and management (...

  • Lab and Diagnostics News: Advances in Molecular Testing Offer New Hope for Lung Cancer Patients

    Leading Healthcare Organisations Issue Guideline Recommendations for Molecular Testing and Targeted Therapies. The emergence of molecular diagnostic testing in lung cancer offers new hope for patients battling the number one cancer killer in the United States and abroad Now, for the first time after a decade of biomarker testing in lung cancer, a uniform approach for testing for the EGFR mutation and ALK...

  • Racing to Improve Early Warning

    By Heather Duncan and Peter van Manen The unique challenges in developing early warning for children have led to a patient-specific early warning approach. The methodology, which is based on the altered patterns of physiological derangement, associated with compensation and decompensation in clinical deterioration rather than population normal distributions, is suitable for patients of all ages. A software...



  • Information Security Consultants in Hospitals: Is Outsourcing the Answer?

    By Koen Claessens Since the establishment of the Crossroads bank of Social Security in Belgium in 1990, it is a legal requirement for all organisation receiving access to the bank to appoint an information security consultant. By this assignment, they would also comply with the European data privacy legislation. In practice, a lot of hospitals are not able to find such a consultant and assign them with a m...


Country Focus: Finland

  • The Finnish Healthcare System

    The Finnish public administration system consists of three levels: state, province and municipality. The provinces are regional representatives of the central state administration. Finland is divided into five administrative provinces and the Åland Islands, the latter having autonomous status. Finland is divided into 415 self-governing municipalities (in 2008) with a median number of inhabitants of 5000....

  • The Finnish Association of Health and Economics

    When, why and how was the Finnish Association of Health and Economics founded?The Finnish Association of Hospital Economics (which became The Finnish Association of Health and Economics in 2010) was founded on the 9th of September 1928 in Helsinki, Finland. Jointly set up by the directors of administration and directors of finance in Finnish hospitals, the purpose was to develop the...



  • Editorial

    ORGANISER UNE GESTION « GENERATIONFRIENDLY » DANS LES HÔPITAUX Alors que les autorités de contrôle alimentaire sont occupées dans toute l'Europe à poursuivre des chevaux déguisés en vaches, de nombreuses personnes sur notre continent luttent pour leur existence et se battent pour garder leur emploi. Le changement démographique dans la population en général a conduit à une modification complète...

  • AEDH News

    LA GESTION D’UN HÔPITAL EN TEMPS DE CRISE : CONTRAINTES, DÉFIS ET OPPORTUNITÉSLE 24ÈME CONGRÈS DE L’AEDH SE TIENDRA À LUXEMBOURG DU 28 AU 30 NOVEMBRE 2013 Les défis et les contraintes en temps de criseNos hôpitaux sont actuellement confrontés à de nombreux défis et contraintes. Depuis de nombreuses années, les budgets des hôpitaux sont en baisse et il y a de sérieuses pénuries de main-d'...

  • Executive Summaries

    Leadership et communication dans l'industrie des soins de santé : comprendre les outils qui mènent au succèsPar Rebekah Page Rogers Le secteur de la santé est en constante progression. Au cours des dix dernières années, il est devenu une superpuissance sociétale qui assure aux citoyens les services médicaux essentiels et sert de moteur économique aux collectivités. Mais, en même temps, le secteu...



  • Editorial

    Der Demographische Wendel Im Gesundheitswesen: Generationsgerechtes Fuhren Im KrankenhausWährend Lebensmittelkontrolleure in ganz Europa nach als Kuh getarnten Pferden fahnden, kämpfen in weiten Teilen Europas Menschen um ihre Existenz, ihren Arbeitsplatz. Auch im Gesundheitswesen führt vor allem die demographische Entwicklung der Bevölkerung zu einer veränderten Situation auf...

  • EVKD News

    Krankenhausmanagement In Krisenzeiten: Einschrankungen, Herausforderungen Und Chancen24. EVKD Kongress, 28.-30. November 2013 Luxemburg Herausforderungen und Einschränkungen in KrisenzeitenUnsere Krankenhäuser stehen heutzutage vielen Herausforderungen und Einschränkungen gegenüber. Seit vielen Jahren schrumpfen die Krankenhausbudgets und der Arbeitskräftemangel ist mittlerwei...

  • Executive Summaries

    Führungsstärke und Kommunikation in der Gesundheitsbranche: Werkzeuge des Erfolgs Von Rebekah Page Rogers Die Gesundheitsbranche weitet sich kontinuierlich aus. In den letzten zehn Jahren ist das Geschäft mit der Gesundheit zu einer gesellschaftlichen Supermacht geworden, das entscheidende medizinische Dienstleistungen für Bürger verfügbar macht und als wirtschaftlicher Motor für örtliche Gemeins...