ESOR Foundation Courses - Conventional Radiology

ESOR Foundation Courses - Conventional Radiology

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This course is intended not only for residents in any year of radiology training but also for board-certified radiologists for whom chest radiography is a daily activity. It will be an opportunity to go back to the basics regarding quality criteria and basic semiology, the anomalies not to be missed. It will also be an opportunity to understand how artificial intelligence can help in the diagnosis of the main anomalies. The course consists of 6 topics composed of 20 minutes of theory and 20 minutes of case presentations, followed by a live Q&A section after each session for interaction with faculty members.


  • To review the quality and normality criteria for frontal and lateral CXR
  • To review the main diagnostic criteria for alveolar, interstitial, pleural and mediastinal diseases
  • To be aware of the limitations of CXR as well as the “not-to-miss” anomalies
  • To understand the role of artificial intelligence in CXR reading

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