UKIO 2023 Congress

UKIO 2023 Congress

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UKIO returns to Liverpool in June 2023 in a new format!

We’re excited to officially launch UKIO 2023, which will take place on 5-7 June at the ACC Liverpool. And with the 2023 congress comes huge changes! After two years of a fully online event and a return to an in-person congress in 2022, we’ve spent the last few months reviewing what you – our delegates – have told us; how external pressures are affecting the NHS and its workforce; and what UKIO should look like in the times we now find ourselves. We’re back with UKIO 2023 – a new and improved Congress that will reflect the world we live in today by delivering a stream-lined and delegate-focused programme and increased accessibility and ‘recession-busting’ pricing. Click here to find out more about the new shape of the UKIO Congress.

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